La Chanson de Kriyananda

Kriyananda’s Song

I will take my boat and row to Ananda.
Your love is the oar, Kriyananda.

Looking for the jewel blue of Ananda,
My search for truth led me to you, Kriyananda.

I will take my boat and row to Ananda.
Your love is the oar, Kriyananda.

Yours is the Bliss Supreme, Oh Ananda!
Far surpassing any earthly dream, Oh Ananda!

Your light has led the way, Kriyananda.
Here in God’s love I will stay, here in Ananda.

I will take my boat and row to Ananda
Your love is the oar, Kriyananda

Composée par Swami Mukhyananda, hantée par Swami Nadananda Mahaswami.

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